Most girls in rural Morocco have to stop school at age 12 and miss out on much needed education.
With Gabi we want this to change, so we partnered with Education For All Morocco (EFAM) who help these girls to get the education they deserve.
A percentage of each sale of Gabi the Goat goes to EFAM and gives a girl in Morocco 3 days of education and housing.
The more people Gabi can reach, the more girls we can help get a better education.
Please do what you can to spread the word…
Much love,
Imagine if you’d stopped education at age 12… how different would your life have been?
Well in Morocco it’s a reality... in some areas girls aren’t able to attend school after the age of 12. This is due to a lack of money or the long, unsafe journeys to schools that are too far away.
So instead of these girls following their dreams of a better future they end up with a life spent at home. A life of domestic chores, early marriage and having children.
I was born and raised in Morocco before moving to the US and it made me sad to hear this is happening today. I was privileged to have a great education so I knew I needed to do what I could to help these girls get the education they deserve.
I wanted to raise money to help these girls and at the same time do something fun to make more people aware of their situation.
I thought about my life as a child... in the Argan Oil forests of Morocco near to where I grew up live some strange goats who like to climb trees.
I loved goats and still do… their long silly tongues, weird rectangular eyes and crazy screams are super funny.
So I set out to create a squawking rubber toy that represents this legendary animal. One that I could sell to raise money and help these girls get a better education...
That’s when Gabi the Goat and Gabi the Goat was born.
I had a way to raise money with Gabi the Goat so now all I needed was a way to use the money to help the girls get the education they deserve.
This is where Education For All (EFA) Morocco comes in. EFA Morocco is a non-profit that builds and runs boarding houses for girls who want to continue their education.
The boarding houses allow the girls to live closer to school and everything is provided to them for free so money is no longer an issue.
With Gabi I’m now on a mission:
To use the power of goats to provide girls in rural Morocco with a better education.
Goat forth and spread the word!
– Simo Elalj, Founder
[email protected]
Gabi uses the power of goat silliness to provide girls in rural Morocco better education.
High resolution videos are available in the Press Pack.
Gabi has been travelling the world to spread the word about EFA Morocco.
High resolution photos are available in the Press Pack.
We prepared for you a Google Drive folder with all what you'd need to help spread the word about Gabi the Goat.
If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out.